Publishing and Consuming SharePoint Service Application with PowerShell

Below are my PowerShell scripts for publishing and consuming service applications between SharePoint farms (Service Application Federation). Before I introduce the scripts let be briefly explain the process involved.

The are several reasons why you might want to share service applications between farms and I’m not planning on going into those details here but the overall process of setting up service application federation is illustrated below:


The SharePoint farm on the left is the consuming farm. It will use the service applications from the SharePoint farm on the right – the publishing farm. Practically this means that the publishing farm contains your service instances, service applications and service application proxies and your consuming farm contains just service application proxies that ‘point’ to the publishing farm. Loads more details on service application federation is available on technet including which service applications can be federated:

The scripts I have follow the pattern shown in the diagram above. First on the consuming farm, I export the farm root certificate, the security token service certificate and I write the farm ID to a text file:

Contents of 1_Consumer_ExportCerts.ps1 – run this on the CONSUMING farm

Add-PSSnapIn "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -EA 0

# export consumer root certificate
Write-Host "Exporting Consumer Root Certificate…" -nonewline
$rootCert = (Get-SPCertificateAuthority).RootCertificate
$rootCert.Export("Cert") | Set-Content ConsumingFarmRoot.cer -Encoding byte
Write-Host "Done" -Foreground Green

# export consumer sts certificate
Write-Host "Exporting Consumer STS Certificate…" -nonewline
$stsCert = (Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig).LocalLoginProvider.SigningCertificate
$stsCert.Export("Cert") | Set-Content ConsumingFarmSTS.cer -Encoding byte
Write-Host "Done" -Foreground Green

# export consumer farm id
Write-Host "Exporting Consumer Farm Id…" -nonewline
$farmID = Get-SPFarm | select Id
set-content -path ConsumerFarmID.txt $farmID
Write-Host "Done" -Foreground Green

Write-Host "Now copy ConsumingFarmRoot.cer, ConsumingFarmSTS.cer & ConsumerFarmID.txt to the publishing farm." -Foreground Yellow

You’ll notice this script ends with a prompt to guide you to the next step – copy the consuming farm certificate, consuming sts certificate and the consuming farm id txt file we’ve just created to the publishing farm. Next, switch over to the publishing farm.

Contents of 2_Publisher_ExportCerts.ps1 – run this on the PUBLISHING farm

Add-PSSnapIn "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -EA 0

# export publisher root certificate
Write-Host "Exporting Publisher Root Certificate…" -nonewline
$rootCert = (Get-SPCertificateAuthority).RootCertificate
$rootCert.Export("Cert") | Set-Content PublishingFarmRoot.cer -Encoding byte
Write-Host "Done" -Foreground Green

Write-Host "Exporting Publisher Topology Url…" -nonewline
$topologyUrl = Get-SPTopologyServiceApplication | Select LoadBalancerUrl
$url = $topologyUrl.LoadBalancerUrl.OriginalString
Set-Content -path PublishingFarm.Url.txt -Value $url
Write-Host "Done" -Foreground Green

Write-Host "Now copy PublishingFarmRoot.cer & PublishingFarm.Url.txt to the consuming farm." -Foreground Yellow

Now copy the publishing farm certificate and publishing farm url txt file that have just been generated to the consuming farm. Now switch back to the consuming farm.

Contents of 3_Consumer_ImportCerts.ps1 – run this on the CONSUMING farm

Add-PSSnapIn "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -EA 0

# import publisher root certificate
Write-Host "Importing Publisher Root Certificate…" -nonewline
$trustCert = Get-PfxCertificate PublishingFarmRoot.cer
New-SPTrustedRootAuthority PublishingFarm -Certificate $trustCert
Write-Host "Done" -Foreground Green

Write-Host "Now import certificates on the publishing farm." -Foreground Yellow

You’ve now imported the publishing farm root certificate into the consuming farm, Next switch back to the publishing farm and import the consuming farm certificate and consuming sts certificate into the publishing farm with the following PowerShell:

Contents of 4_Publisher_ImportCerts.ps1 – run this on the PUBLISHING farm

Add-PSSnapIn "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -EA 0

# import consumer root certificate
Write-Host "Importing Consumer Root Certificate…" -nonewline
$trustCert = Get-PfxCertificate ConsumingFarmRoot.cer
New-SPTrustedRootAuthority ConsumingFarm -Certificate $trustCert
Write-Host "Done" -Foreground Green

# import consumer sts certificate
Write-Host "Importing Consumer STS Certificate…" -nonewline
$stsCert = Get-PfxCertificate ConsumingFarmSTS.cer
New-SPTrustedServiceTokenIssuer ConsumingFarm -Certificate $stsCert
Write-Host "Done" -Foreground Green

Write-Host "Now set permissions for application discovery on the publishing farm." -Foreground Yellow

Note: At this point I would recommend you access Central Admin on both the CONSUMING and PUBLISHING farms and verify that the trusts are in place as expected. To do this, from central admin select Security > Manage Trust.

Once you have verified your trusts are in place you’re ready to start sharing the service applications between farms. Now switch to the publishing farm.

Contents of 5_Publisher_SetPermissions.ps1– run this on the PUBLISHING farm

Add-PSSnapIn "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -EA 0

# get consumer farm id
Write-Host "Reading Consumer Farm ID…" -nonewline
$consumerId = Get-Content -path ConsumerFarmID.txt
$consumerId = $consumerId.Replace("@{Id=","").Replace("}","")
Write-Host "Done" -Foreground Green

# set application discovery permissions
Write-Host "Set Application Discovery Permissions…" -nonewline
$security=Get-SPTopologyServiceApplication | Get-SPServiceApplicationSecurity
$claimprovider=(Get-SPClaimProvider System).ClaimProvider
$principal=New-SPClaimsPrincipal -ClaimType "" -ClaimProvider $claimprovider -ClaimValue $consumerId
Grant-SPObjectSecurity -Identity $security -Principal $principal -Rights "Full Control"
Get-SPTopologyServiceApplication | Set-SPServiceApplicationSecurity -ObjectSecurity $security
Write-Host "Done" -Foreground Green

# list the available service applications and prompt for one to be selected
$serviceAppList = @{"0"="DummyServiceApp"}
$serviceApps = Get-SPServiceApplication
$count = 1
$serviceWarning = ""
Write-Host "The following service applications are available for publishing:"
foreach ($serviceApp in $serviceApps)
    # ensure only service applications that can be shared are listed
    $type = $serviceApp.TypeName
    $serviceSharable = 0

    Switch ($type)
        ("Business Data Connectivity Service Application") {$serviceSharable = 1}
           ("Managed Metadata Service")                       {$serviceSharable = 1}
           ("User Profile Service Application")               {$serviceSharable = 1}
           ("Search Service Application")                     {$serviceSharable = 1}
           ("Secure Store Service Application")               {$serviceSharable = 1}
           ("Web Analytics Service Application")              {$serviceSharable = 1}
           ("Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings Service Application") {$serviceSharable = 1}
    if ($serviceSharable -gt 0)
        Write-host "$count. " -nonewline -foregroundcolor White
        Write-host $serviceApp.DisplayName -foregroundcolor gray

$serviceAppNum = Read-Host -Prompt " – Please enter the id of the service application to be shared"
Write-Host "Getting Service Application…" -nonewline
$serviceAppId = $serviceAppList.Get_Item($serviceAppNum)
$serviceApp = Get-SPServiceApplication $serviceAppId
Write-Host "Done" -Foreground Green

# warn about domain trusts
$serviceWarning = ""
$type = $serviceApp.TypeName
Switch ($type)
    ("Business Data Connectivity Service Application") {Write-Host; Write-Host "Note: Publishing domain must trust Consuming domain." -Foreground Yellow; Write-Host;}
       ("User Profile Service Application") {Write-Host; Write-Host "Note: A two-way trust must exist between the Publishing and Consuming domains." -Foreground Yellow; Write-Host;}
       ("Secure Store Service Application") {Write-Host; Write-Host "Note: Publishing domain must trust Consuming domain." -Foreground Yellow; Write-Host;}

# list the service rights for the specified service application
$rightsList = @{"0"="DummyServiceApp"}
$count = 1
$serviceAppSecurity = Get-SPServiceApplicationSecurity $serviceApp
foreach ($right in $serviceAppSecurity.NamedAccessRights)
        Write-host "$count. " -nonewline -foregroundcolor White
        Write-host $right.Name -foregroundcolor gray
$serviceAppRight = Read-Host -Prompt " – Please enter the right to be granted"
$serviceAppRight = $rightsList.Get_Item($serviceAppRight)

Write-Host "Granting ‘$serviceAppright’ to service application…" -nonewline
$security=Get-SPServiceApplication $serviceApp| Get-SPServiceApplicationSecurity
$claimprovider=(Get-SPClaimProvider System).ClaimProvider

if ($type -eq "User Profile Service Application")
    $consumFarmAcc= Read-Host -Prompt " – Please enter the consuming farm account e.g. DOMAIN\account"
    $principal=New-SPClaimsPrincipal -Identity $consumFarmAcc -IdentityType WindowsSamAccountName   
    $principal=New-SPClaimsPrincipal -ClaimType "" -ClaimProvider $claimprovider -ClaimValue $consumerId
Grant-SPObjectSecurity -Identity $security -Principal $principal -Rights $serviceAppRight
Set-SPServiceApplicationSecurity $serviceApp -ObjectSecurity $security
Write-Host "Done" -Foreground Green

Write-Host "Publishing service application…" -nonewline
Publish-SPServiceApplication -Identity $serviceApp
Write-Host "Done" -Foreground Green

$lbUrl = Get-SPserviceApplication $serviceApp | Select Uri
Set-Content -path $serviceAppId -Value $lbUrl
$cleanUrl = Get-Content -path $serviceAppId
del $serviceAppId
$cleanUrl = $cleanUrl.Replace("@{Uri=","").Replace("}","")

Write-Host "Now connect to the service application from the consumer farm with the following url:" -Foreground Yellow
Write-Host $cleanUrl -Foreground Yellow

It’s a whopper but basically this script lists all the available service applications on the PUBLISHING farm and allows you to publish these to the CONSUMING farm whilst choosing the service application specific permissions to grant to the consuming farm:


Simply enter the the number for the service application you wish to publish and then the number associated with the permissions you wish to grant to the consuming farm.

Now, switch to the consuming farm.

Contents of 6_Consumer_ConnectService.ps1 – run this on the CONSUMING farm

Add-PSSnapIn "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -EA 0

# get url from user
Write-Host "Reading topology service url…" -nonewline
$topologyUrlShort = get-content -path PublishingFarm.Url.txt
Write-Host "Done" -Foreground Green

#get available published services:
Write-Host "Connecting to topology service $topologyUrlShort…" -nonewline
$publishedServices = Receive-SPServiceApplicationConnectionInfo -FarmUrl $topologyUrlShort
Write-Host "Done" -Foreground Green

# list the published services
Write-Host "The following service applications are available for consumption:"
$serviceAppList = @{"0"="DummyServiceApp"}
$count = 1
foreach ($publishedService in $publishedServices)
    Write-host "$count. " -nonewline -foregroundcolor White
    Write-host $publishedService.DisplayName -foregroundcolor gray


$serviceAppNum = Read-Host -Prompt " – Please enter the id of the service application to be consumed"

$serviceAppProxyName= Read-Host -Prompt " – Please enter the service application proxy name"

#get the selected published service app
$count = 1
foreach ($publishedService in $publishedServices)
    if ($count.ToString() -eq $serviceAppNum )

        #we’ve found our service application – let go create it based on the type
        $type = $publishedService.SupportingProxy
        $serviceUrl =  $serviceAppList.Get_Item($serviceAppNum)
        Switch ($type)
                    Write-Host "Creating new Business Data Connectivity Service Application Proxy…" -nonewline
                    New-SPBusinessDataCatalogServiceApplicationProxy -Uri "$serviceUrl" -Name "$serviceAppProxyName"
                    Write-Host "Creating new Managed Metadata Service Proxy…" -nonewline
                    New-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy -Uri "$serviceUrl" -Name "$serviceAppProxyName"
                    Write-Host "User Profile Service Application Proxy…" -nonewline
                    New-SPProfileServiceApplicationProxy -Uri "$serviceUrl" -Name "$serviceAppProxyName"
                    Write-Host "Search Service Application Proxy…" -nonewline
                    New-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplicationProxy -Uri "$serviceUrl" -Name "$serviceAppProxyName"
                    Write-Host "Secure Store Service Application Proxy…" -nonewline
                    New-SPSecureStoreServiceApplicationProxy -Uri "$serviceUrl" -Name "$serviceAppProxyName"
                    Write-Host "Web Analytics Service Application Proxy…" -nonewline
                    New-SPWebAnalyticsServiceApplicationProxy -Uri "$serviceUrl" -Name "$serviceAppProxyName"
        Write-Host "Complete." -Foreground Yellow



This final script connects to the topology service of the publishing farm and lists all the published services applications. Simply select the number of the service application you wish to consume


This has saved me loads of time in the past and has proved to be very reliable. However, please note the following points:

  • The script assumes the files copied between the farms are copied to the same location as the PowerShell scripts.
  • If you want to consume partitioned service applications you’ll need to update the final script to include the –PartitionMode switch (or the –Partitioned switch in the case of the New-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplicationProxy cmdlet)

I hope this helps…

Create a new Service Application Proxy Group with New-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroup

I believe one of the much overlooked features available to administrator when configuring SharePoint service applications is the ability to create new service application proxy groups. Out of the box, web applications can have service applications assigned to them by virtue of the default proxy group or the [custom] proxy group.

Unfortunately there is no UI for creating new proxy groups or assigning service applications proxies to proxy groups. So we use PowerShell – obviously!

To create a new proxy group is simple, the example below create a new proxy group called ‘MultiTenant’:

New-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroup "MultiTenant"

This results in the following becoming available to us when we are assigning web applications to service connections:


So far so good… However, you’ll notice that this proxy group does not have any service application proxies assigned to it. To assign service application proxies to this new group we use Add-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroupMember. The following example adds the Access Services service application proxy to the newly create MultiTenant proxy group:

$serviceAppProxy = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy | where { $_.Name -eq "Access Services" }
Add-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroupMember "MultiTenant" -Member $serviceAppProxy

The above results in the Access Services proxy being assign to the MultiTenant proxy group:


To remove service application proxies from proxy groups is just as simple:

Remove-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroupMember "MultiTenant" -Member $serviceAppProxy

Using the above three commands, New-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroup, Add-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroupMember  and Remove-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroupMember you can quickly define and control your very own proxy groups and assign them to your web apps.

Happy configuring…